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How to delete tweets

By Blog, Video

It will happen to you at least once in the first few months that you use Twitter: You’ll need to know how to delete tweets. Maybe the tweet contains a typo, or information that you later discovered was wrong. Or, it could be something embarrassing that you don’t want your friends, colleagues, or followers to see. This short video shows the steps required to delete a tweet:

The video is based on the material from Chapter 5 of Twitter In 30 Minutes. You can see the rest of the contents of the guide, or you can buy the Twitter guide in ebook, paperback, or PDF formats.

What are Twitter hashtags?

By Blog, Video

You’ve seen them in advertisements and on television screens, and if you’re a newcomer to Twitter, you’ve noticed many of the people you follow use them in their tweets. What are Twitter hashtags? Basically, it’s a word that has the hashtag or pound symbol appended to the front. But when you type a hashtagged word into a tweet, it links information and events in special ways, as the video below shows:

The video is based on the material from Chapter 3 and 4 of Twitter In 30 Minutes. You can see the rest of the contents of the guide, or you can buy the Twitter guide in ebook, paperback, or PDF formats.

Unfollow a Twitter account: Two easy methods

By Blog, Video

Perhaps you want to clean out your “Following” list on Twitter. Or, you’ve discovered someone in your timeline who is a bit too self-promotional or irritating … and it’s time for them to go! This two-minute video shows two methods for unfollowing people on Twitter. It’s a basic Twitter lesson, but one’s that important if you want to improve the quality of your timeline.

The video is based on the material from Chapter 3 of Twitter In 30 Minutes. You can see the rest of the contents of the guide, or you can buy the Twitter guide in ebook, paperback, or PDF formats.